
We are prepared for touring with four shows: The Gospel of Othello, The Man Who Committed Thought, The Accused, and Between The Lines (in collaboration with Dunia Dance/Harold George).
All skills and experience will be recycled into the development of personal projects and organisations. The ensemble will be responsible for renewing our considerable database of participants and facilitating mentoring clinics, workshops and events. Within the team there are leaders of organisations and a considerable network of alliances in Bulawayo, Harare, Zambia, South Africa and Mozambique.
November 11—Feb 12
  • We intend to take the Gospel on an extended tour of over 35 performances and 35 workshops in schools
  • Facilitate Teacher Training
  • Collaboration with IYASA Dance Company
  • Create two new shows: Spoken word, drum and dance and Beer and Shoes
  • Our CAT Creative Modules on offer will include: seminars, mentoring, script work, Photoshop, book-keeping, event management, performance skills, stage management.